I’ve run long campaigns before but I’ve never really returned to characters in the way we did for this game. Everyone, myself and the players included, loved the characters and the setting of the Headmaster Ritual. First, the Game Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 And previously, The Headmaster Ritual and \[…\]

Episode 049 – FATE - The Beaten Generation, Part 5
Our team of intrepid occult investigators solve all the problems before them with the absolute minimum of casualties and complications.

Episode 048 – FATE - The Beaten Generation, Part 4
There’s a big f’ing spider, the players default to the perpetual plan A, and Ithaca. Always. Lies.

Episode 047 – FATE - The Beaten Generation, Part 3
Events. Repeat. Events repeat. Emilyn talks to Barrymore, Rudy talks to Tom Finn, and Martin meets the love of his life.

Episode 046 – FATE - The Beaten Generation, Part 2
Jenny, Rudy, and Martin (and Ithaca) attend a music festival on Summerisle, meet some old friends, and shoot a bear.

Episode 045 – FATE - The Beaten Generation, Part 1
Jenny, Rudy, and Martin (and another old friend) meet up again in a tavern on Summerisle, on the evening of a very strange music festival.
BONUS - The Headmaster Ritual Recap
Chris, Gino, and I got together last night to have a brief, awkward discussion of our FATE Accelerated game.
GM Notes - The Prince of Providence (FATE/Vampire)
The Prince of Providence was our game of organized crime and vampirism set in Providence, RI in 1979. These are some of my notes and ideas that inspired and informed the writing of this game (from the GM side). You’d get more out of this article if you listened to this game first.

Episode 023 – The Prince of Providence, Part 3 (FATE/Vampire)
This episode ended up being a real hammer to the balls.

Episode 022 – The Prince of Providence, Part 2 (FATE/Vampire)
Well I can’t breathe, I can’t swallow Take me down to the hospital

Episode 021 – The Prince of Providence, Part 1 (FATE/Vampire)
CUI BONO? \[Latin\] What good would that do me? – Ambrose Bierce, THE DEVIL’S DICTIONARY
GM Notes 2 - The Headmaster Ritual
I’ll take you through each episode of the Headmaster Ritual and explain a little about the process of running and playing this game.

Episode 008 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual Episode 7
Barrymore sings.
Episode 007 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual Episode 6
Rudy and Jenny look for cat Martin in the lion’s den.
Appendix N – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
In this series, we will list the material that inspired a particular game adventure. This Appendix N is all about The Headmaster Ritual, our game of FATE which is ALL ABOUT music, magic, and 1980’s England.

Episode 005 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
When Accounts Are to be Settled, A Tuna Fish Shall Be Owed

Episode 004 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
As promised, everyone is cats.

Episode 003 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
One Legged Pete – our occult detectives investigate author Thomas Lavinius, meet some family, look into getting library cards, find out the true nature of watercumbers, and end the day slightly changed.
Episode 002 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
The Backseat is for Being Quiet – our occult detectives investigate Liliana Bunt, designer and occult advisor for Barrymore and the Misfortunes, and get more than they bargained for at the train station.
Episode 001.5 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual Character Intros
Our occult detectives are interviewed by police about their compatriots.
GM Notes 1 - The Headmaster Ritual
This series is meant to be a companion to the podcasts we release. They will likely not all be as long as this post and will probably normally come out shortly after the last episode. However, I have a lot to say about The Headmaster Ritual and have decided to do a preemptive strike on our \[…\]
Episode 001 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
A cast of four occult detectives drunkenly and ineffectively investigate a rock band that may or may not be committing magical/occult crimes, and who may or may not be missing a lead singer. Played using the FATE rules (loosely).
See all game systems.