Chris, Gino, and I got together last night to have a brief, awkward discussion of our FATE Accelerated game.
The Headmaster Ritual
GM Notes 2 - The Headmaster Ritual
I’ll take you through each episode of the Headmaster Ritual and explain a little about the process of running and playing this game.

Episode 008 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual Episode 7
Barrymore sings.
Episode 007 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual Episode 6
Rudy and Jenny look for cat Martin in the lion’s den.
Appendix N – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
In this series, we will list the material that inspired a particular game adventure. This Appendix N is all about The Headmaster Ritual, our game of FATE which is ALL ABOUT music, magic, and 1980’s England.

Episode 005 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
When Accounts Are to be Settled, A Tuna Fish Shall Be Owed

Episode 004 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
As promised, everyone is cats.

Episode 003 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
One Legged Pete – our occult detectives investigate author Thomas Lavinius, meet some family, look into getting library cards, find out the true nature of watercumbers, and end the day slightly changed.
Episode 002 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
The Backseat is for Being Quiet – our occult detectives investigate Liliana Bunt, designer and occult advisor for Barrymore and the Misfortunes, and get more than they bargained for at the train station.
Episode 001.5 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual Character Intros
Our occult detectives are interviewed by police about their compatriots.
GM Notes 1 - The Headmaster Ritual
This series is meant to be a companion to the podcasts we release. They will likely not all be as long as this post and will probably normally come out shortly after the last episode. However, I have a lot to say about The Headmaster Ritual and have decided to do a preemptive strike on our \[…\]
Episode 001 – FATE - The Headmaster Ritual
A cast of four occult detectives drunkenly and ineffectively investigate a rock band that may or may not be committing magical/occult crimes, and who may or may not be missing a lead singer. Played using the FATE rules (loosely).
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