title card illustration for Episode 030 – City of Mist, Part 2

Episode 030 – City of Mist, Part 2

Stopping for Tikka Masala

This is Matt, introducing Part 2 of our City of Mist game.

This was our first powered by the apocalypse game for I think everyone, so please by gently. Chris did a great job running the game, so feel free to jump on twitter and let him know.

Next week, more City of Mist. I am still collating all our recordings so I am not sure yet exactly how long this podcast will run for.

If you liked the show, tell a friend, or review us on your podcast service of choice

Gino does title card illustrations for our site. If you dig his art, he also has a long running webcomic up at pizzapranks.com and a patreon for his art at patreon.com/kiwimonsta.

Music this week is Attic Soul, Doran Bastin, and Don Dilego.

You can leave us a voicemail at (508) 817-3408.

Andrew and I have another podcast, a monthly show called the GoldenAgeHorror.com podcast, which is an exciting look at horror movies from before 1979. In the most recent episode, we covered Eyes without a Face

If you have a podcast or another idea for a website, I can help you with that, visit whalingcityweb.com for more information

Thanks VERY much for listening and I’ll talk to you next week.

Download episode / Duration: 00:32:06 / / Permalink